Sunday, 7 September 2014


Can I just rant?!?

How do you ladies ttc cope! It's so hard every month waiting. Every month I feel like I'm right back to when my daughter died. I replay everything in my head the day before I found out she had died and all the things that might have saved her. It feel like a double blow. I wouldn't even be ttc if she was here.  I want to give up as it so very heart breaking but then I don't want to either because I hope for a little rainbow. Feeling trapped. 

Friday, 5 September 2014

You've missed so much

Hannah you have missed so much since you left us. You have new a cousin, lots of little friends have been born, we've been on aeroplanes. Katie has learnt to do loads more talking, she's potty trained (almost), we've visited the beach lots, we had lovely times as a family on bike rides. We are always missing you our beautiful girl xx 
You would have done all these things too with us. You have missed learning to crawl and trying to eat food. You have missed millions of cuddles with your mummy, daddy and big sister. You have missed Katie playing with you and sharing a bath with her. You have missed wearing all of Katie's clothes (you would of lookinh adorable) and playing with her toys. They would of been both of your toys! You have missed seeing your mummy and daddy being so proud of you. 
You've missed getting to know and love your family. We've missed getting to know you and discovering your little personality. 
Hannah you are missing so much and we are missing doing it with you. I'm sorry you're not here preciously little girl xxx