Monday, 25 November 2013

The waiting game

On the morning of Tuesday 4th November we went in to hospital again to have a scan to confirm what I only dreamed was wrong but that we knew was true. I knew however it wouldnt be till I met my little girl that I would truly believe that Hannah had left this earth. 
I was given a relaxant drug and told to return to the hospital on Thursday 6th to be induced. Unlike a normal labour the doctors aren't worried about the baby so they give you everything they can to make the birth as easy as possible. Basically making this drug endured process as natural as possible.

Things happen very slowly in hospital. We went in for just after 9am for a scan and were then taken up to the labour ward to the 'special case' room where they took many blood samples and swabs as well as giving me the relaxant pill. We then left the ward at 2.30pm. We were very keen to get back to our daughter who was being looked after by a friend. She was our future and although Hannah was still currently part of our present she was soon to become our past. A treasured memory;our second daughter that we would only ever know as a baby. 

Wednesday 5th November was the 'middle day', nothing was going to happen that day, we knew that. We were just waiting in sadness for the time we would say goodbye to our precious Hannah. We didn't know how long we would be in hospital to waiting for the induction to work but we knew we would be away from Katie for a few days at least. We had arranged for my mum to come down on the Wednesday night to look after her. On Wednesday therefore we decided to go to the Sealife centre as a treat for Katie and a distraction for myself. I spent a long time getting dressed that morning, choosing an outfit that made me look fat and not pregnant. I was pretty much 36 weeks pregnant so that was a challenge. I also tried to be aloof as possible so that no well meaning stranger would try and talk to me about my pregnancy and soon to be born baby. Whether is was the grace of God or luck i dont know but thankfully no one asked me about my baby bump. We were shattered by the time we got home having walked miles around Birmingham and around the Sealife centre. It was good to be so busy though. We would have been at a loss just waiting at home. 

At 8am on the morning of Thursday 6th November we (my husband and I) went into hospital. The induction process wasn't quick. After 5 hormone induction drugs I was told on the Saturday that they couldn't give me any more hormone drugs for 48hours as it was too dangerous for me. I had been having a few regular but mild contraction on the Friday but they had disappeared pretty much by the Saturday morning. Thankfully however they had had an effect, however mild t contraction were and at 10.30am my waters were broken and Hannah Grace arrived at 14.58 
I can only thank God for a very straight forward and in labour terms easy birth. 

Just after 3pm we met little Hannah. She was your normal, perfect newborn but, was no longer there. She was a good size too 6lbs2oz. She was going to be big if she had be born at 40 weeks. 
We spent some time in our room with Hannah. We held her and loved her giving her all the cuddles we knew we wouldn't be able to give her. She was in Gods hands now and we missed her. 
My husband and I then had to the hardest thing. We had to leave our beautiful baby girl. I said goodbye to Hannah. I truly don't know how I ever left the hospital, it was only with Gods strength I could leave that room. 

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